Saturday, August 29, 2015

Plant a Seed of Life by CBN Asia

It was end of April 2013 when I formally resigned with my previous employer for almost 7.5 years at Santo Tomas, Batangas. I don’t have savings account or separation pay then to start as initial capital; no job offer to start a new work. I knew my family cannot go back to Cavite immediately, for bothering my parents about my decision will never be a help. What I have then was just a courage and a fighting spirit that I can start all over again. No matter what it takes – I need to provide for my family at the soonest possible time.

As expected, the coming days are truly tough and challenging, my kids knew what we went through then. We used to sell ice candies, cold-cut foods and soft-drinks at the apartment we rented. I went to direct selling, networking and had started to manage My Little Angels Online Shop full time.

I am personally not a TV viewer since most of my time are spent at work and family. When I have a chance to watch TV, I like shows aired at ABS-CBN and NEWS TV. It was May 2013 when I first watched an episode of CBN ASIA aired at News TV.  It’s amazing to watch show where ordinary people share how the living God healed them physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually.

The testimonies given by brave cancer survivors, bankrupt entrepreneurs, former drug addict, gambler, and prisoner, those of abused and battered women are truly inspirational. They had the courage to share their weakest and darkness moment; and how God picked them up, get well, lighten and blessed more than they deserve.

Watching the show are not all about religion, they encourage viewers to have a personal relationship with God. They will invite you to join with their prayers; open your heart and talk to God - ask for relief on all your sufferings and by the power of His name, everything are claimed and received.

The host cited Bible verses from Matthew 6:33 that says: “Seek first the kingdom of God, above all else, live righteously and He will give everything you need” – NIV and Mark 10:27 “With men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible” – KJV.

The host clearly brings out the message that “Everything comes from God” all things around us are created by Him. He gives us life to live and a daily bread to survive. As I joined them in prayer, I asked God’s grace to give me work as source of His provision; bless me so I can provide for my family, much as well give me an open heart and hand to "bring back" what He told us to do. It's my personal commitment that as He prosper me, I will be His good steward and promise to share my blessings to others. 

The hosts always reminded the viewers to:
       Keep in mind that all you have comes from God – 1 Corinthians 4:7
     Pray about every aspects of your finances – Matthew 7:7-8
     Be faithful with God has given you – Luke 16:10
     Give and you will be blessed – Acts 20:35
     Love God, not money – I Timothy 6:10

As days passed by, I realized that everyone are richly blessed by God towards abundant life. Being rich are not measured by how much property we have but by how we share His riches in good works. God bless us to become a blessing to others.

If I had so much to give, I want to help those elderly, sick, homeless and street children. CBN ASIA manages foundation named Operation Blessing where those people are being cared of. They are inviting their viewers to be their partners in PLANT A SEED OF LIFE – to sustain the needs of CBN ASIA Families of Ministries. May God permits me to be one of those million people, willing to impart God’s blessing to others. It was an answered prayer to have an opportunity to be their partner, sending my donation thru MLhuillier free of charge.

Before I thought that only rich people can donate since they have so much to give. But in years now, I had a chance to meet ordinary people that generously sharing their gifts to CBN ASIA. As I talked with them, they share how God privileges them towards abundant financial life, peaceful mind and a helping hand.

Honestly speaking, I am not rich – truly I am not. I don’t have million nor hundred thousand, own a house and lot, car or bank account. But more than material things, I want to experience what those ordinary generous people have. May God keep my family healthy, safe and intact; provides for our daily needs and have my kids at school for their future – to have them are truly enough to keep with my promise.

Imagine, if all of us can share a portion of our blessings to less-privileged people, what a wonderful world it will be. If everyone has a giving heart, open hand and no corruption in our government, probably poverty is no longer a problem in Philippines.

Everyone can share their blessings, any amount is truly valuable. As we honor God's abundance to our lives, we can be a help to others. May we all have the eagerness to plant a seed of life, assuredly God will bless us in hundredfold - so abundant that “there will not be room enough to receive it".  Malachi 3:8-10

I believe that God bless me through people that personally don't know who I am, and so I want to be a blessings to others. Let us all be fruitful as He allow us to bear His fruits beyond our needs and not our wants. HE ALWAYS GIVES US MORE THAN WE HAVE GIVEN HIM.

image were grabbed at CBN Asia facebook page

CBN Asia continuously educates people that we are God's children and He prosper us in everything we need. In years, I have been receiving inspirational gifts from them that open my mind into new learning opportunities. As it works to me, I pray that God may  touch your heart as you read this post, so His ministry will be greatly known in all nation.

In my coming post, I will share to you how these gifts had change my views and inspired me to be a God's steward. Thanks a lot for your time, may God bless us all much more than we ask for.

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