Wednesday, June 1, 2016

My Little Angels Online Shop

Please be informed that My Little Angels Online Shop fan page ( was hacked last night. An account where I created and maintained for more than 4 years.

Truly, I don't know what happened when suddenly I can no longer login and update its status. I tried to search it online, but it no longer exist.
All the while, I need to start all over again, where all the efforts I had worked in years to maintain its existence and ensures its timely updates were all gone; including product photos, product reviews and communication response with my personal friends, online buyers, inquirers and reseller were all completely lost - 100%.
Ever since I had created My Little Angels Online Shop fan page, I never paid any online ads to promote it in order to generate more likes as fast as possible. For in my heart, I personally wanted to prove that its existence are made in test of time, out of integrity and sincerity that I am a LEGIT SELLER - ensuring that every order placed and payments made are timely shipped in good condition and will be received in due time by my customers.
In years, it had reached almost 2,400 likers, quitely far from other facebook page who can afford to pay online ads. But I am proud to say that these numbers were reached mostly from people whom I personally don't know, clicks from friendly inquirers and customers with new and repeat orders.
For more than 3 years, My Little Angels Online Shop is a source of God's provision to my family. It's been our bread and butter - where I cried much; I prayed harder and harder each day, gained new friends and reseller from time to time, exerted much effort to improve my marketing and communication skills and works longer as possible. But despite all the difficulties, I give thanks and praise God as He entrusted me to manage it.
Now that I need to start all over again, I pray that I can work it out as fast as I can, to keep timely updates and gladly response with all the queries that I may receive out of God's grace.
I may not know the reason now, but in His time, His good purpose will be revealed. For He knows what's best for me. 

I strongly prayed that whatever He wants me to be, He will lead the way as I walk in faith. Please Lord, be my Great Provider, take away all the worries I have inside of me so I can raise well the 2 kids You entrusted to me. For my prayers are not for myself but to be blessed by You, to be a blessings to others.
Please keep be posted with the new fan page I just created now, where I used the same name and cover photo but has now a new link page

Please accept my invites to like this page, thank you very much in advance. May God bless us all much more than we ask for.
Have a nice day ahead of us. Today maybe a tough time as within our capabilities but we have bigger GOD who can solve bigger problems. TRUST and OBEY, HOLD ON with our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

To God be all the glory, honor and praise. God bless us all

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